Stay Healthy With Bridgeton Complete Care

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Bridgeton NJ Health Watch


Here's 5 health tips to start your day everyday. by Lionel Sharpe

  1. Always drink 8 glasses of water a day, it keeeps the body hydrated and also it's what the human body needs to function properly.
  2. Eat very healthy in the morning, instead of the eggs and bacon have a yogurt, a fruit, or fruit cup, a serving of wheat oatmeal or wheat bread with cream cheese and an orange juice.
  3. Make sure to get your daily allowance in what you eat.
  4. Have an apple, orange, wheat crackers, vitamin water, and for those with health conditions, take a dose of something with a healthy source such as a grapefruit. This will start your daily allowance and also start a healthy eating habit.
  5. Try lettuce and tunafish with pickles, onions, and tomatoes, served with just a lettuce leaf and tuna. Take this down with some grape juice or orange juice. This is a very healthy meal to start your day off.

Bridgeton Complete Care

This clinic has a good healthcare program and have been keeping my health up since 1990. No matter what condition you are in feel free to call and make an appointment for a health checkup. It's good to have your health checked at least 3 times a year, it's healthy and it shows yourself and others that you care about your health. Never feel depressed over an issue with your health, because there's always somone that can help you in Complete Care. If there's a problem you speak up to a doctor and ask for help, you can never go wrong. If you need to get in touch with this clinic call this number.

Thank You

Contact Care Manager

Kellie Gross

(856) 691-3300 ext 2674

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