What If

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What if we had no God?

Would we be the way that we are, act the way that we do, or do the things that we do.

What if?

What if water was not drinkable, would we live?

What if the Lords blood wasn't offered for our sins?

What if we had no moon and stars?

What if we had nobody to teach us anything?

What if?

What if there wasn't a word such as if, would this change the way we talk?

I think yes and all the above

What if, we had no knowledge of where we came from, would we be more violent?

Would this world be a place that it is?

What if?

What if there was no good or bad, right or wrong?

What if?

What if we had no reason to exist but we still do

What if?

What if we are dreaming, experiments, or just here

What if, What if, What if???

Created on March 25, 2017 at 5:17 AM by Landolin A.K.A Lionel Sharpe

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