The 5 Most Important Components In Hardware For A Computer

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  1. The Hard Drive- This is needed to save information and data and also Installing the software needed to operate the computer.
  2. Motherboard- The mother board is another hardware feature that helps the computer to transmit, connect to the Internet, operate the hard drive, import electricity to power on the computer and also, is used to make other features of the computer function. The motherboard is the largest and most important circuit board in the computer. The motherboard contains the socket to hold the processor or CPU. This does most of the processing for the CPU.
  3. The Power Supply- known as power supply unit (PSU), this is installed in the corner of the computer case that receives and coverts house current so that the components inside the case can use it. Some have a switch in the back and some don't. This is needed to power the computer on and off, without there will be no power given to the CPU.
  4. The Memory Module- This is the slots where the DIMM go, and helps the PC to maintain memory, that are also called RAM. Without the DIMM, the computer will not have any memory, and some programs cannot operate without a sufficient amount of memory.
  5. CD and DVD Drive- This is where you would put Cd's and DVD's into the computer for playing media, downloading software and software installations. Without these drives you cannot play DVD's or Cd's and also this is needed to install the windows software on the computer for operations to begin. They play a big part also in the operation of a computer.

Components That Aren't Necessary For A Computer

  1. Inter Coolers, aren't necessary for the operation of a computer. These are used for cooling a computer down.
  2. Wireless Mouse, wouldn't be necessary for the operation of a computer an normal mouse would do.
  3. See through casing, for a computer wouldn't be necessary for the operation of a computer. This just amps the look of the computer up and also let's you see inside of the computer.
  4. External (SATA), wouldn't be necessary for the operation of a computer, this is for storing extra information, and if you are just using a computer to do basic work and no storage this will not be needed.
  5. Network Card, this wouldn't be needed either it's an optional hardware that can be installed to strengthen the Internet.
  6. A WiFi booster, wouldn't be necessary either, this boost the Internet to get larger area coverage, when surfing the Internet and looking for a connection, and really doesn't play a big part in networking the computer.

(These are some of the hardware components that wouldn't be necessary for the operation of a computer. )

Created on February 17, 2014 | Author: Lionel Sharpe

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